Thursday, December 16, 2010

Multiple String Variables in Javascript

This Works:
var htmlString = "<div>This is a string.</div>";

This Fails:
var htmlSTring = "<div> This is a string. </div>";

Add backslashes to get it to work:
var htmlSTring = "<div>\ This is a string.\ </div>";

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Web 2.0 Glossary (K)

keyword / key phrase - The word or phrase that a user enters into a search engine.
keyword cannibalization - The excessive reuse of the same keyword on too many web pages within the same site. This practice makes it difficult for the users and the search engines to determine which page is most relevant for the keyword.
keyword density - The percentage of words on a web page which are a particular keyword. If this value is unnaturally high the page may be penalized.
keyword research - The hard work of determining which keywords are appropriate for targeting.
keyword spam (keyword stuffing) - Inappropriately high keyword density.
keyword stuffing (keyword spam) - Inappropriately high keyword density.

Web 2.0 Glossary (I)

impression (page view) The event where a user views a webpage one time.
in bound link (inlink, incoming link) Inbound links from related pages are the source of trust and pagerank.
index Noun - a database of WebPages and their content used by the search engines.
index Verb - to add a web page to a search engine index.
indexed Pages - The pages on a site which have been indexed.
inlink (incoming link, inbound link) - Inbound links from related pages are the source of trust and pagerank.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Useful Links
* - Software training online-tutorials for Adobe, Microsoft, Apple and more
* - Run Opera without installing
* - Get a full set of applications
* - Rip and Burn Discs
* - Optimize PC Performance
* - Good Web Resource
* - File Sharing
* - View PDF Files

Monday, April 13, 2009

Web 2.0 Glossary (H)

hit Once the standard by which web traffic was often judged, but now a largely meaningless term replaced by page views AKA impressions. A hit happens each time that a server sends an object documents,graphics, include files, etc. Thus one page view could generate many hits.

hub (expert page) a trusted page with high quality content that links out to related pages.

HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) directives or “markup” which are used to add formatting and web functionality to plain text for use on the Internet. HTML is the mother tongue of the search engines, and should generally be strictly and exclusively adhered to on web pages.

Web 2.0 Glossary (G)

gateway page (doorway page) A web page that is designed to attract traffic from a search engine and then redirect it to another site or page. A doorway page is not exactly the same as cloaking but the effect is the same in that users and search engines are served different content.

gadget see gizmo

gizmo (gadget, widget) small applications used on web pages to provide specific functions such as a hit counter or IP address display. Gizmos can make good link bait.

Google bomb The combined effort of multiple webmasters to change the Google search results usually for humorous effect. The “miserable failure” George Bush, and “greatest living American” Steven Colbert Google bombs are famous examples.

Google bowling Maliciously trying to lower a sites rank by sending it links from the “bad neighborhoodKind of like yelling “Good luck with that infection!” to your buddy as you get off the school bus there is some controversy as to if this works or is just an SEO urban myth.

Google dance The change in SERPs caused by an update of the Google database or algorithm. The cause of great angst and consternation for webmasters who slip in the SERPs. Or, the period of time during a Google index update when different data center shave different data.

Google juice (trust, authority, PageRank) trust / authority from Google, which flows through outgoing links to other pages.

Googlebot Google’s spider program

GYM Google Yahoo Microsoft,the big three of search

Monday, March 2, 2009

Web 2.0 Glossary (F)

feed Content which is delivered to the user via special websites or programs such as news aggregators.

FFA (Free For All) A page or site with many outgoing links to unrelated websites, containing little if any unique content. Link farms are only intended for spiders, and have little if any value to human users, and thus are ignored or penalized by the search engines.

frames A web page design where two or more documents appear on the same screen, each within it’s own frame. Frames are bad for SEO because spiders sometimes fail to correctly navigate them. Additionally, most users dislike frames because it is almost like having two tiny monitors neither of which shows a full page of information at one time.